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Uplinebharat About Us

About Us

About Our Media Platform 



Uplinebharat is a news portal at Globally. Its is media brand by Asian voice mark one ( AvMark
One Private Limited ). CIN- U72900UP2020PTC129578. It was incorporated 1 year ago / 16
June 2020/. Director of this company is Vishal Verma


Uplinebharat is a News & Blog Web. Read out here: News, Politics, Gaming, Sport’s, Tech,
Android, IOS, Entertainment, Movies, Car, Bikes, Covid-19,etc.

Helps to reach you every day organic updates. We will show what’s happening around you don’t
worry just being trust with us. We are the portals in which you go through with world National
and International News as well as Daily Updates.


Upline Bharat Work Guidelines

We Remember we are the unique way to work so we never write duplicate content to compete with competitors like other media news websites.

We never look others news portals or theirs contents also we We keep in mind that the layout of other websites, and font styles are not copied as well.

We do it in two ways, first we think and then headlines and then do its research, After that we
can make that headlines in our own way And upload it in the best content style.

We re-create the information Let’s write it in your language

We put content on Upline Bharat in 2 ways. First we do research on our thought points Then
re-create it again for our readers And second thing is to take care that we put every image and
text without copyright

We always keep in mind that whatever we write, we write with full consideration
We write about the user’s interest and we keep updated for you so that we can provide that
information to you in your language

We write all our own content, even if we take it from others, we will add them credit in own

We always use some questioning words that are problem solving problems like, how, why, It,
this, where, who, who, will, etc.

We always send you the smallest important information


Easy user accessibility

Uplinebharat uses data compressing plugins on its website to easily display information to its

users, which include images, videos, And reduces the font size so that it can easily open on the
screen of your mobile and desktop browser. Note: We can not tell the name of the plugin is
against our privacy.

At the same time, we take care of the seo of the website so that our information given to you
can reach you and search by you

We try to ensure that the website server is not busy, so that you have access to our website.
We use softwares and plugins that can optimize the search engine of our website. Note: we can
not tell tha name of the software or Plugin is against our privacy.

We are always health check up our website for continuous improvement of user accessibility
and keeps checking up so that optimize our website before any error problems.

With the help of softwares and plugins and websites, which remove the copyright claims that
come suddenly by Mistake or focus distract at the time of write a News. Note: It does not mean
that we use copyright Uppers have been written clearly that [ by Mistake or focus distract at the
time of write a News ]

We always use some sources to Search searchable keywords and Unique Tags for our website
rank on google by right ways. Note: We never use automatebots to Increase our websites
traffic. Also we can’t share here sources name it’s against our policies.


Uplinebharat own ways How to find a
content according to topics related

First of all, every author should have their own personal and permanent email id for subscription
from every platform like : Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Linkedin, Wikipedia,
freedly, hover, RSS feed, Medium, Quora,etc. Note: We are not taking their names from any
advertising marketing here. Just for information purposes.

FInd that content, we have to subscribe on different social platforms so that we can re-create and
re-structure it according to their category in their own writing styles But to find that content, we
have to subscribe on different social platforms

At the same time, all the authors and writers who work here know their topic interest. Like our
interested topic Entertainment, Movies, Serial, Actors, Actress, Lifestyle.

If your interest in the information entertainment category, We will need to get its source on
entertainment YouTube channels and entertainment social account handles and some social
platforms  and so many sub-category also inside in Entertainment Field or other categories so

according to category as well as their sub-category. we can make own sources or take a help of
Internet or Social sites follow and subscribe to get a smallest and largest update. This methods
apply all others Categories.


Uplinebharat Post or feed Ethics

We upload the images and videos and content in our posts which are away from copyright
We write the type of posts which are your interest and which are always necessary for you.

Upload the post which is friendly to you and is friendly and not wasteable

We write organic topics and headlines that match your needs.

We write according to Trends market’s

In our every post we ensures the own keywords strategies

We have more questions raising words in our posts, and more questions raising words will User
brings to our posts because most people on Google searches in the way of questions raising
form . Like Uplinebharat search on internet – How we can improve our website experience to
user’s. so as you can see (How) is a question raising words so many like it words we use in our
post because we know how user Search keywords on Internet


Our Vision

Upline Bharat is not a full-fledged news website but on one side you can say it as a news
website because we show every update from the smallest to the biggest. But we are able to
show you the information on the internet in a better way, according to our Visions.
In which it is easy for you to explain any information because we can make sense information to
We show you every fact’s and everything with the lot of conglomerates topic as well as try to
show you unbiased and unaltered fresh information.
For any issues or copyright complaint – admin@uplinebharat.com
Notice: Privacy and Terms and conditions of this website is linked or using our parent company
( Avmark One Private Limited)Asian Voice Mark One. Because we are a part of this company so
we don’t need to create own privacy and terms. We have authority of AvMark One Private


Post fix writing style

We use same layout and same font style and same limits of content and same number of
images and video and same heading of number according to category.
More and more 200 to 600 words Will use and two images

 Ways to Write a News Post समाचार पोस्ट लिखने के तरीके )


1. What led to that thing His name will be? ( किस चीज़ के कारण उसका नाम होगा? )


2. Why did that incident happen and where? ( वह घटना क्यों और कहां हुई ? )


3. Who is responsible for that incident?( उस घटना के लिए कौन जिम्मेदार है? )


4. Which government is responsible for that incident? ( उस घटना के लिए कौन सी सरकार जिम्मेदार है? )


5. Tell about parties? ( पार्टियों के बारे में बताएं? )


 Ways to Write a Politics News Post ( राजनीति समाचार पोस्ट लिखने के तरीके )


1. What party does he belong to and when did he come to this party ?
(  वह किस पार्टी से संबंधित है और वह इस पार्टी में कब आई थी ? )


2. The main reason for coming to the party and the things spoken in the party ?
(  पार्टी में आने का मुख्य कारण और पार्टी में कही गई बातें ? )


3. What place in the party and which city from is ?
(  पार्टी में क्या जगह है और कौन से शहर से है ? )


4. Good things done in the party and doing useless things ?
(  पार्टी में किए गए अच्छे काम और बेकार की बातें ? )


5. Leave the question in the last in every paragraph?
हर पैराग्राफ में आखिरी में सवाल छोड़ें ? )


6. According to old headlines about all the good and bad things done by the leader?
(  नेता द्वारा की गई सभी अच्छी और बुरी बातों के बारे में पुरानी सुर्खियों के अनुसार ? )


 Ways to Write a Lifestyle News Post ( जीवनशैली समाचार पोस्ट लिखने के तरीके )


1. Advantages and disadvantages of things?

( चीजों के फायदे और नुकसान ? )


2. Right way to do ? 

करने का सही तरीका ? )


3. Why is it important ? 

यह महत्वपूर्ण क्यों है ? )


4. Why do ? 

( क्यों करते हो ? )


 Way to Write a Movies News Post ( एक मूवी समाचार पोस्ट लिखने का तरीका )


1.  Little information about the film like Director, music director, Editor, Producer, Actor and Actresses 

निर्देशक, संगीत निर्देशक, संपादक, निर्माता, अभिनेता , अभिनेत्रियों और जैसे फिल्म के बारे में बहुत कम जानकारी )


2.  About the last movies collection of Actor and Actresses ? 

अभिनेता और अभिनेत्रियों के पिछले फिल्मों के संग्रह के बारे में ? 


3.  Any main reason for director to bring this actor and actress in this film?
( निर्देशक के लिए इस फिल्म में अभिनेता और अभिनेत्री को लाने का कोई मुख्य कारण ? )


4.  About the producer of the film and about some of his hit films ? 

फिल्म के निर्माता के बारे में और उनकी कुछ हिट फिल्मों के बारे में ? )


5. How much is the film being liked and which languages are being launched and which film will
come on the which platform ? 

फिल्म को कितना पसंद किया जा रहा है और लॉन्च होने में कौन सी भाषाएं हैं और कौन सी फिल्म किस प्लेटफॉर्म पर आएगी ? )


 Way to Write a Sports News Post ( खेल समाचार पोस्ट लिखने का तरीका ) 


1. Player’s first performance 

खिलाड़ी का पहला प्रदर्शन )


2. How was the game

 ( गेम कैसा था )

3. What won the game

( क्या खेल जीता ? )

 Way to Write a Gaming News Post ( गेमिंग न्यूज पोस्ट लिखने का तरीका )


1. What functions or features will be available in Games ? 

खेलों में कौन से कार्य या सुविधाएँ उपलब्ध होंगी ? )


2. Which device’s and browser will the game support ? 

( गेम किस डिवाइस और ब्राउज़र को सपोर्ट करेगा ? )


3.  A main reason for the company to make the game ? 

गेम बनाने के लिए कंपनी का एक मुख्य कारण ? )


4. Which computer languages are used within the game ?

( खेल के भीतर कौन सी कंप्यूटर भाषाओं का उपयोग किया जाता है ? )


5.  Advantages and disadvantages of playing the game ?

खेल खेलने के फायदे और नुकसान ? )


6. Game free or have to buy ? 

गेम मुफ्त है या खरीदना है ? )


7. What is a difference between the old version of the game and the new version ? 

खेल के पुराने संस्करण और नए संस्करण के बीच क्या अंतर है ? )


 Way to Write a Technology News Post ( एक प्रौद्योगिकी समाचार पोस्ट लिखने का तरीका )

1. Why is this technology needed ? 

इस तकनीक की आवश्यकता क्यों है ? )


2. Which company is the first company to make this game and which country is ? 

कौन सी कंपनी इस खेल को बनाने वाली पहली कंपनी है और कौन सा देश है ? )


3. In which works does this technology help ? 

( यह तकनीक किन कामों में मदद करती है ? )

4. How will this technology help students and army and users and country? 

यह तकनीक छात्रों और सेना और उपयोगकर्ताओं और देश की मदद कैसे करेगी ? )


5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this technology, let’s know ? 

इस तकनीक के क्या फायदे और नुकसान हैं, आइए जानते हैं ? )


 Way to Write a Entertainment News Post ( एंटरटेनमेंट न्यूज़ पोस्ट लिखने का तरीका )


1. Every minor information is related to new characters ? 

हर छोटी जानकारी नए पात्रों से संबंधित है ? )


Way to Write a Car’s and Bike’s News Post ( एक कार और बाइक समाचार पोस्ट लिखने का तरीका )


1. Differentiation of old features and new features of cars and bikes ? 

पुरानी सुविधाओं और कारों और बाइक की नई सुविधाओं का अंतर ? )


2. Their prices according to the cities ? 

शहरों के हिसाब से उनकी कीमतें ? )


3. What is the specialty and Which company has made that bike and car, and has said that the
company ? 

क्या है खासियत और किस कंपनी ने बनाई वो बाइक और कार, और कहा  कि कंपनी है )


4. Which product should be taken or not ? 

कौन सा उत्पाद लेना चाहिए या नहीं ? )



Way to Write a Covid-19 Coronavirus News ( कोविद -19 कोरोनावायरस समाचार लिखने का तरीका )

Note: information confidential
Uplinebharat – Apki Awaz ( Your Voice ) Media Brand of AvMark One Private Limited (Asian Voice Mark One)

For any report of copyright please email
