Shah Rukh Khan’s Upcoming Movie is Releasing on 7th September 2023. The biggest thing is that it is the first Bollywood Movie to be launched on Germany’s biggest IMAX Cinema Screen. Jawan movie is a mix of different film industry, Bollywood and South and Telugu Jawan Movie will have Lead Cast Shahrukh khan and Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi Etc.
Jawan Movie Latest Trailer Exclusive Update
Shahrukh Khan has shared the final trailer of Jawan Movie on his Instagram handle. The final launch date of the trailer is 31 August 2023. While sharing the trailer, Shahrukh Khan has said some things in a way. Jawan Movie Character Role In Short – Of Justice & A Jawan. Of Women & their Vengeance. Of a Mother & A Son. And of course, a lot of Fun!!! #JawanTrailer out now!
#Jawan releasing worldwide on 7th September, 2023 in Hindi, Tamil & Telugu.
Jawan Movie Editor Reveals Shahrukh Khan Asks Only His Action Clips In Jawan Movie Trailers
Shahrukh Khan told the editors of Jawan movie that I don’t want all the action clips of Jawan movie in the trailer, you just cut my movie clips out of the entire movie, in which only my action clips are there and the rest of the actors’ action clips should be touched. does not need
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